xAPI & Storyline

Capturing the Learners Name in Storyline xAPI Statements

Articulate Storyline 360 released the ability to control when the xAPI statements get sent to the Learning Record Store (LRS). Still, it did not have a straightforward way to identify who the person was. Historically this has been done inside of the Storyline course where you capture the user's name and email right within the course or when you publish to an LMS; if your LMS supports xAPI, it will do this for you automatically.

What if your course is not inside of an LMS? The new xAPI triggers do not have a good way to capture the learner (Actor) except if you use query strings. Query strings allow you to pass in who the learner is when they launch the course. Articulate does provide a template for you to format the query string but does not easily capture who the learner is.

In this video, Jeff walks you through a template that makes it easy for you to capture the xAPI actor (learner) through a simple name prompt then launch the course with that information being passed. This way, you can easily capture who the person is, and then all xAPI triggers in the course will send over the statements with that actor information.

Jeff Batt
11 Jan, 2022