xAPI | Storyline

Using Different xAPI Verbs Within Storyline Triggers

When you add an xAPI trigger in Articulate Storyline, there is a drop down box of 15 or so different verbs. This is a great start but it is not the types of verbs that you can use to track learning behavior. In this video, Jeff will walk you through how to find more verbs from the verb registry and then how to change out the default verb in Storyline with your own verb.

With this you can track more details about your learning content than you can with just the default verbs within Storyline. By the end of this video you will be able to use any of the verbs in the verb registry.

Verb Registries:

ADL -http://xapi.vocab.pub/verbs/index.html
TinCan - https://registry.tincanapi.com/#home/verbs

Jeff Batt
15 Feb, 2022