Storyline / LMS

Grabbing the Learners Name Auto-Magically from the LMS

Addressing the user by name in your eLearning course is a great way to personalize your content to the learner. Many times Instructional Designers or eLearning Developers will have the user enter in their name at the beginning of the course and then store that in a variable and display that name throughout the course. IF your course is being hosted on an LMS, you can actually grab the users name right from the LMS instead of having them enter in the info manually. In this video Jeff will walk you through how to grab the users name right in the LMS and display it properly in Storyline.

Here is the code you need in Storyline as a JavaScript trigger. Make sure you also create the variable of lmsName.

let player = GetPlayer(); let myName = lmsAPI.GetStudentName(); let array = myName.split(','); let newName = array[1] + ' ' + array[0]; player.SetVar("lmsName", newName);

Jeff Batt
26 Sept, 2021