Articulate Storyline

Updated Storyline 360 Course with "In Action" Sections

Jeff Batt
19 October, 2020

Something has been on my mind for a while, and I am excited to see it finally released. I have had my Udemy course on Storyline for awhile. I have always wanted to keep it simple and to the point, explaining different features. I always hated it when I watched a video with a lot already created, and I didn't even know how they got to that point so that I could recreate it myself.

While I have always gotten good feedback about my courses, I heard more and more that people wanted to see more real-world examples. I was torn, I didn't want to lose the course's simplicity but always wanted to show some real-world examples. So I decided to create several "In Action" sections for each of my courses.

Storyline In Action

The "In Action" sections happen at the end of all the basics and walk you through specific interactions. For my Storyline course, I have a "Tabs in Action," and a "Drag and Drop in Action," and finally a "Game in Action."

QuizTime game

In each section, we walk through from beginning to end how to build the interaction. We talk about design considerations and how to create all of the elements for the interaction. We then talk about putting the interaction together using triggers, variables and conditions, and more.

These sections help you take everything you learned in the first part of the course and apply it to build real-world interactions. I plan to develop more of these sections as time goes on, and if you are a subscriber to the course, you will get all the new updates for free. Click the button below to get the best-discounted price.

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