xAPI | Storyline

xAPI Actor Settings in Articulate Storyline

Capturing who has taken the learning interaction outside a learning management system (LMS) is probably one of the most challenging parts of xAPI. Often you need to have your content behind a Single Sign-On (SSO), but how do you capture who has taken the course?

Storyline relies on query strings that enable your SSO to pass over the person's name and email so you can then send it off to the Learning Record Store (LRS). What if you just wanted to test it out yourself without knowing how to format a query string? Storyline released the ability for you to define who a test user is or even generate a random user for you.

Jeff walks you through this new feature and even what to do after your testing. I do wish Articulate would allow us to capture the user from the course, but this is what we have 😁.

Jeff Batt
30 May, 2022